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Keyboard shortcut to extract local variable in JS/TS in Visual Studio Code

I am looking for a shortcut that is available in Eclipse and called "extract local variable". It will assign the return value of the selected function invocation to a variable:

enter image description here

Is something similar available in VSC for Javascript and Typescript?


  • You can use the "Refactor..." shortcut Ctrl+Shift+R to extract the expression to a constant. Example:

    function main(){
      return "foo".replace("o", "a")

    Mark the expression "foo".replace("o", "a") or the whole line → "Extract to constant in enclosing scope", name it to test and the function will be refactored to the following:

    function main(){
      const test = "foo".replace("o", "a")
      return test

    There is also the "Quick Fix" command (Ctrl+.) for fixes and refactorings.

    If you want an extra shortcut just for this action, define it manually in keybindings.json (docs):

        "key": "shift+ctrl+alt+r",
        "command": "editor.action.codeAction",
        "args": {
          "kind": "refactor.extract.constant"