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Referencing a pointer in a C++ member function

I'm writing a member function that uses a member variable pointer as an iterator. However I want to reference the pointer within the function purely for readability's sake. Like so:

/* getNext will return a pos object each time it is called for each node
 * in the tree. If all nodes have been returned it will return a Pos
 * object (-1, -1).
 * TODO: Add a lock boolean to tree structure and assert unlocked for
 *       push/pop.
Pos BTree::getNext () const
    BTreeNode*& it = this->getNextIter;

    while (it)
        if (it->visited)
            /* node has been visited already, visit an unvisited right
             * child node, or move up the tree
            if (   it->child [BTREE_RIGHT] != NULL
                && !it->child [BTREE_RIGHT]->visited)
                it = it->child [BTREE_RIGHT];
                it = it->parent;
            /* if unvisited nodes exist on the left branch, iterate
             * to the smallest (leftmost) of them.
            if (   it->child [BTREE_LEFT] != NULL
                && !it->child [BTREE_LEFT]->visited)
                for (;
                     it->child [BTREE_LEFT] != NULL;
                     it = it->child [BTREE_LEFT]) {}
                it->visited = 1;
                return it->pos;

    it = this->root;
    this->setTreeNotVisited (this->root);
    return Pos (-1, -1);

This is basically what I'm going for, where this->getNextIter is a BTreeNode*. However I get the error:

    btree.cpp:238: error: invalid initialization of reference of type
'DataTypes::BTreeNode*&' from expression of type 'DataTypes::BTreeNode* const'

What is the appropriate syntax for this kind of thing?




  • Your member function is const-qualified, so you cannot modify the member variable getNextIter. You need to use a const reference:

    BTreeNode * const & it = getNextIter;

    However, in your function, you modify it, so instead you probably need to remove the const-qualification from the member function or make the getNextIter member variable mutable.

    When you have a member function that is const-qualified, all non-mutable member variables are const-qualified inside of the member function, hence why the compiler reports that when you try to use getNextIter inside of getNext(), it has a type of DataTypes::BTreeNode* const (note the const).