I have this fairly simple assignment where i have two text files with 50 names, i query the user for text file "girls names" or "boys name" and a name, then the program checks to see whether the name that the user input is in the file they selected. i think i've pretty much got it, but i get a bad access code when trying to open the second file. I've read about issues with memory allocation, which i assume is the problem with my code, but the answers were beyond my level of comprehension, so i'm stuck.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Declare Variables
ifstream inFile[1]; // male and female file streams
int inFileArrayVar = 0; // allows switching from female and male file streams
string gender;
string name[50];
string inputName;
int popular = 0;
bool inputCondition = 1;
bool progLoop = 1;
// Welcome Message
cout << "*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o" << '\n'
<< "*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o" << '\n' << '\n'
<< "Enter a name and see if it is one of the most popular Canadian female or male names in 2015. " << '\n' << '\n';
// Open Files
// User Query
while (inputCondition == 1){
cout << "Choose to query either the male or female database by entering 'f' or 'm' " << '\n';
cin >> gender;
if (gender == "f") {
cout << "You have selected the female name database. Enter the name you'd like to search: " << '\n';
inFileArrayVar = 0;
inputCondition = 0;
else if (gender == "m"){
cout << "You have selected the male name database. Enter the name you'd like to search: " << '\n';
inFileArrayVar = 1;
inputCondition = 0;
inputCondition = 1;
while (progLoop == 1){
cin >> inputName;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
inFile[inFileArrayVar] >> name[i];
if (inputName.compare(name[i]) == 0) {
popular = 1;
cout << inputName << " was one of the most popular names in 2015." << '\n' << '\n';
i = 50;
if (popular == 0){
cout << inputName << " was not one of the most popular names is 2015." << '\n' << '\n';
cout << "If you want to contine, enter either 'f' or 'm', otherwise enter any other character. " << '\n';
cin >> gender;
if (gender == "f"){
cout << "You have selected the female name database. Enter the name you'd like to search: " << '\n';
inFileArrayVar = 0;
else if (gender == "m"){
inFileArrayVar = 1;
cout << "You have selected the male name database. Enter the name you'd like to search: " << '\n';
progLoop = 0;
cout << "merci d'avoir choisi le GENDER BINARY MACHINE ******* pce out ******** " << '\n' << '\n';
return 0;
ifstream inFile[1]; // male and female file streams
Here, you declared an array with one element. This array has one element. That's what [1] means, here.
And then you try to access element #0, and element #1 in the array, the first and the second element in this one element array. What could possibly go wrong?
When you declare an array:
type array[n];
This means that the array contains elements #0 through elements #n-1.