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Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime

Using Server 2000 updating a row via a gridview/sqldatasource

Stored proc:

@ISTag varchar(10),
@PCISTag varchar(10),
@User varchar(50),
@Date_Start datetime,
@Date_End datetime,
@Status varchar(50),
@Cost money,
@Notes varchar(500),
@CreatedBy varchar(50),
@ModifiedBy varchar(50)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    EXEC sp_changeLog 'HardDrive', @ISTag, @ModifiedBy

    UPDATE T_HardDrive
        SET PCIStag = @PCISTag,
            [User] = @User,
            Date_Start = @Date_Start,
            Date_End = @Date_End,
            Status = @Status,
            Cost = @Cost,
            Notes = @Notes,
        ModifiedBy = @ModifiedBy
        WHERE ISTag = @ISTag

Before the parameters are passed to the sp I make sure it should be in the right format.

e.NewValues("Date_Start") = Convert.ToDateTime(e.NewValues("Date_Start"))

I don't understand where else it could be screwing up. I'd love to be able to keep it to a null value if it is one already, I'm just trying to get it to take anything right now and this is where I'm at.


  • For some reason the parameter was set to "String". When set correctly to:

    <asp:Parameter Name="Date_Start" Type="DateTime" />

    I get time out of range errors, but at least its seeing it as a DateTime now.