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Custom allocator with compile time array

I want to have a defined allocation limit (for my µC) to allocate "dynamic" memory.

My code:

template<class T, size_t COUNT>
class SimpleAllocator
  using value_type = T;

  template<class U>
  struct rebind
    using other = SimpleAllocator<U, COUNT>;

  SimpleAllocator() noexcept

  template<class U, size_t COUNT_U>
  SimpleAllocator(SimpleAllocator<U, COUNT_U> const &other) noexcept

  value_type* allocate(std::size_t p_Count)
    return nullptr;

  void deallocate(value_type* p_Chunk, std::size_t) noexcept

  T m_Chunks[COUNT];

If I use this allocator with the smart pointer function: std::allocate_shared I get an compiler error:

error: constructor for 'SimpleAllocator<std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<int, 
  SimpleAllocator<int, 10>, __gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy::_S_atomic>, 10>' must
  explicitly initialize the member 'm_Chunks' which does not have a default

I understand this error but I cannot resolve it. How can I initialize a object like this one:

std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<int, SimpleAllocator<int, 10>,

Live Example.


  • You don't want to initialize any objects in allocator, you just need to allocate memory. So you have to replace this

    T m_Chunks[COUNT];

    with for example

    alignas(T) char m_Chunks[COUNT * sizeof(T)];

    and update all the bookkeeping (which you haven't shown) accordingly.

    That said, having a buffer right inside an allocator itself isn't a good idea (unless you know exactly what you are doing). The allocator is supposed to be a lightweight object, because it's stored by value in containers and is copied during many operations.