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How to link a package with a proprietary DLL?

I'm writing a Haskell package which depends on a proprietary DLL. I also use stack tool. The library has x86 and x64 versions. According to this issue I can't do it by modifying .cabal file. So I'm trying to do it by updating Setup.hs. This is my setup script:

import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import System.Directory

updateExtraLibDirs :: LocalBuildInfo -> IO LocalBuildInfo
updateExtraLibDirs localBuildInfo = do
    let packageDescription = localPkgDescr localBuildInfo
        test = head $ testSuites packageDescription
        testBuild = testBuildInfo  test
    dir <- getCurrentDirectory
    print $ length $ testSuites packageDescription
    return localBuildInfo {
        localPkgDescr = packageDescription {
            testSuites = [ test {
                testBuildInfo = testBuild {
                    extraLibDirs = (dir ++ "\\lib") : extraLibDirs testBuild,
                    extraLibs = ("txmlconnector64.dll") : extraLibs testBuild
            } ]

main = defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks {
          confHook = \a f -> confHook simpleUserHooks a f >>= updateExtraLibDirs

Then I call:

> stack test

This still leads to undefined references during the test suite linkage. Why?


  • Just two steps:

    1. Replace "txmlconnector64.dll" with "txmlconnector64"
    2. In .cabal file set build-type: Custom to allow it to use your Setup.hs