I am trying to install cabal behind a firewall without success. It seems that cabal does not support http redirect, is there a way to fix it?
cabal update -v3
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org Sending: GET http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/00-index.tar.gz HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: cabal-install/ (linux; x86_64) Host: hackage.haskell.org proxy uri host: proxy.swmed.edu, port: :3128 Creating new connection to proxy.swmed.edu:3128 Received: HTTP/1.1 302 authenticationrequired Via: 1.1 (McAfee Web Gateway Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 17:00:56 GMT Location: https://m-proxy1.swmed.edu:10000/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=2152648114&ttl=43200&url=aHR0cDovL2hhY2thZ2UuaGFza2VsbC5vcmcvcGFja2FnZXMvYXJjaGl2ZS8wMC1pbmRleC50YXIuZ3o=&rnd=1403283656 Content-Type: text/html Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 3678 Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive 302 - redirect Warning: http error: Unable to handle redirect, unsupported scheme: https://m-proxy1.swmed.edu:10000/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=2152648114&ttl=43200&url=aHR0cDovL2hhY2thZ2UuaGFza2VsbC5vcmcvcGFja2FnZXMvYXJjaGl2ZS8wMC1pbmRleC50YXIuZ3o=&rnd=1403283656 cabal: Failed to download http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/00-index.tar.gz : ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 302"
(Update) Jun 23, 2014
Follow @Sibi suggestion, I pasted a similar experience using cntlm-0.92.3
Here is my config config.ini
Proxy proxy.swmed.edu:3128 Listen
I first tried to use:
./cntlm -c config.ini
then the same error happens:
cabal update -v3 Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org Sending: GET http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/00-index.tar.gz HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: cabal-install/ (linux; x86_64) Host: hackage.haskell.org proxy uri host:, port: :53124 Creating new connection to Received: HTTP/1.1 302 authenticationrequired Via: 1.1 (McAfee Web Gateway Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 05:34:18 GMT Location: https://m-proxy4.swmed.edu:10000/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=1513153200&ttl=43200&url=aHR0cDovL2hhY2thZ2UuaGFza2VsbC5vcmcvcGFja2FnZXMvYXJjaGl2ZS8wMC1pbmRleC50YXIuZ3o=&rnd=1403501658 Content-Type: text/html Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 3678 Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive Connection: close 302 - redirect Warning: http error: Unable to handle redirect, unsupported scheme: https://m-proxy4.swmed.edu:10000/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=1513153200&ttl=43200&url=aHR0cDovL2hhY2thZ2UuaGFza2VsbC5vcmcvcGFja2FnZXMvYXJjaGl2ZS8wMC1pbmRleC50YXIuZ3o=&rnd=1403501658 cabal: Failed to download http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/00-index.tar.gz : ErrorMisc "Error HTTP code: 302"
NOTE: this question is not the same as authentication, as our proxy server does not need to be authenticated. This question is about http redirect problem.
(Update) June 23, 2014
Run the following command as @Sibi suggested:
./cntlm -M http://www.google.com -c config.ini -v
And the output can be found at http://pastebin.com/zAvZBDVu
Reading the logs, we see the proxy was via https
not http
, and the error was "unsupported scheme" since cabal prior to recent versions did not handle https. Https transports have been added to cabal in the most recent versions, so the issue should now be resolved.