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How to make for loop in windows batch file run in name order

I have a windows batch file that does this:

for %%s in (*.sql) do call

It loops through all the sql script in a folder.

In the folder the file names are like:

But the for loop goes through the files randomly (not in the name order), it first run s5.01, then s4.06, then s4.08, then s4.10, then s4.07. How can I make them run in the name order?

It used to work, but now it doesn't. What may cause this problem?


  • Jerry's answer might very well be what is causing the problem.

    You might solve it by changing

    for %%s in (*.sql) do call


    for %%s in (dir"*.sql ^| sort) do call

    Edit cudo's to LonelyPixel

    The posted solution does not work as is on a Windows 8 machine (perhaps it did back then with Windows XP but I have no idea).

    Following is a working solution using Windows 8 command prompt.

    for /f "tokens=*" %%s in ('dir /b *.sql ^| sort') do echo %%s