Search code examples

Search tab of chm file created from a single html file

I have created a chm file from a single html file generated using asciidoctor. The contents and index of chm file points to specific sections of the same html file. However, when I use the search tab, even though all the search hits are highlighted in the file, the 'Select topic o display' part lists only the name of the html file itself. Is there a way by which I can display the section names from the html file in the search tab?


  • The topics are better to be separated into smaller units and individual HTML files when building a CHM help file.

    In this way, the assignment to the Table of Contents (TOC) is easier to make. The result of a search is then clear and I'd recommend this method.

    Of course, you can jump to anchor tag from TOC (see below). When you perform a search, the results list is a bunch of items with titles lifted from each documents <title> tag. As far as I tested you cannot change the title in the seach result list.

    I remember if binary TOC is enabled one may see titles that do not seem to correspond with the associated Topics. What happens is for a binary TOC the topic title is lifted from a TOC item label instead of the documents <title> tag. I suspect that this is a HH 1.x Collections feature.

    A *.hhc (TOC) file example:

         <LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
               <param name="Name" value="How to use shortcut links">
               <param name="Local" value="HTMLHelp_Examples/shortcut_link.htm">
         <LI><OBJECT type="text/sitemap">
               <param name="Name" value="How to jump to a anchor">
               <param name="Local" value="HTMLHelp_Examples/Jump_to_anchor.htm#AnchorSample">

    As mentioned above I'd recommend to split the topics.