I have an excel table that looks like this:
Row Name
1 uniqueName001_vid1.mpg
2 uniqueName001.mpg
3 uniqueName002_vid1.mpg
4 uniqueName002_vid2.mpg
5 uniqueName002.mpg
I am trying to figure out how to identify and flag(give a unique ID) sets within the table that contain the same uniqueName. For instance Row's 1 and 2 would be one set and Row's 3, 4, and 5 would be another set.
My ideal result is this:
Row Name UID
1 uniqueName001_vid1.mpg SET1
2 uniqueName001.mpg SET1
3 uniqueName002_vid1.mpg SET2
4 uniqueName002_vid2.mpg SET2
5 uniqueName002.mpg SET2
I can run a SQL query in excel if that is better option than excel formula's too.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
If all starts with uniqueNameXXX than it is easy
Row Name UniqueName Unique# UID
1 uniqueName001_vid1.mpg =LEFT(F4;13) =IF(G3<>G4;H3+1;H3) ="UID"&H4
If not, than you should define how to get uniqueName