Haskell noob here: I'm still trying to understand the mechanics of the language, so if my question is plain stupid, forgive me and point me to some link which I can learn from (I've searched awhile in similar topics here on stackoverflow, but still I can't get this).
I came out with this function:
chunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunks n xs
| length xs <= n = [xs]
| otherwise = let (ch, rest) = splitAt n xs in ch:chunks n rest
so that
ghci> chunks 4 "abracadabra"
ghci> chunks 3 [1..6]
I was pretty satisfied with that, then I thought "there's lazy evaluation! I can use this even on an infinite sequence!". So i tried take 4 $ chunks 3 [1..]
. I was hoping that the lazy haskell magic would have produced [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
, instead it seems like this time lazyness can't help me: it can't reach the end of the computation (is it walking all the way long to the end of [1..]
I think the problem is in the "length xs" part: ghci seems to get stuck also on a simple length [1..]
. So I'm asking: is length actually iterating the whole list to give a response? If so, I guess length is to be avoided every time I try to implement something working well with the lazy evaluation, so there is some alternative?
(for instance, how can I improve my example to work with infinite lists?)
is length actually iterating the whole list to give a response?
I guess length is to be avoided every time I try to implement something working well with the lazy evaluation
Not just that, it also gives you bad runtimes when laziness isn't a factor (being O(n) in cases where an O(1) check often suffices1), so you should avoid it most of the time in general.
how can I improve my example to work with infinite lists?
You don't need to check whether the length of the list is less than n
, you just need to check whether it's zero. And that you can do with a simple pattern match.
1 For example something like f xs | length xs >= 2 = ...
, which is O(n), can be replaced with f (x1 : x2 : xs) = ...
, which is O(1).