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Add DirectX-9 to inno-setup installer

I have an old software that uses DirectX 9. It's quite obsolete but there are still people using it.

Win10 does not come with DX9 preinstalled and I want to add it to my installer. So far I see that there's a large (100mb) DX package from Microsoft that contains all the versions and builds of DX9 and 10. (

Among the many version, I see, for example, "" that contains the .dll, .cat and .inf. I'd say that this is sufficient for what I need so I'd add this to my program's installer (inno-setup).

I am a bit outdated on DX and DLLs knowledge. Can someone give some pointers on how to proceed and if it's right installing only one of that dll?



  • DirectX 9.0c does in fact come with Windows 10. Starting with Windows XP Service Pack 2, the "DirectX End-user Runtime" never installs DirectX on any version of Windows. The only way to update "DirectX" is to install a Service Pack, a Windows Update, or move to a new version of Windows.

    See Not So Direct Setup for the full story here.

    Your old application, however, likely does rely on some optional side-by-side components like D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio2_7, XInput1_3, D3DCompile #43, Managed DirectX 1.1, or other thing that is only deployed by the legacy DirectX End-User Runtime. In that case, you should download the latest DXSETUP package (the April 2011 refresh of the end-of-life DirectX SDK June 2010 release on MSDN).

    You can then configure a minimal package that will deploy just the DLLs you actually use. For example, if you used the D3DX9 June 2010 DirectX SDK for a 32-bit application, but that's all you needed, you can get away with an install package of just:


    Of course, if your application is old enough to be using a previous version of D3DX9, then you need to figure that out and use the right .cab.

    See Where is the DirectX SDK? as well.