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mod_multicast not delivering correct address stanza to receivers

Multicast service is not delivering all "to" attributes to all the recipient of address stanza.

UserA sends a packet to UserB and UserC

<message type="chat" to="" id="">
  <addresses xmlns="">
    <address type="to" jid="[email protected]"/>
    <address type="to" jid="[email protected]"/>
  <active xmlns=""/>

However UserB receives

<message xmlns="jabber:client" from="[email protected]/iPhone" to="[email protected]" type="chat" id="">
  <addresses xmlns="">
    <address type="to" jid="[email protected]"/>
  <active xmlns=""/>

And UserC receives

<message xmlns="jabber:client" from="[email protected]/iPhone" to="[email protected]" type="chat" id="">
  <addresses xmlns="">
    <address type="to" jid="[email protected]"/>
  <active xmlns=""/>

So, UserB and UserC are missing 'to' attribute for each other in the address stanza.

I use ejabberd 16.01 and I use to configure


  • Try this change. It's strange, because those lines haven't changed since many years ago. Maybe the bug is somewhere else, and this is only a workaround:

    --- a/src/mod_multicast.erl
    +++ b/src/mod_multicast.erl
    @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ add_addresses(Delivereds, Groups) ->
     add_addresses2(_, [], Res, _, []) -> Res;
     add_addresses2(Delivereds, [Group | Groups], Res, Pa,
                   [Pi | Pz]) ->
    -    Addresses = lists:append([Delivereds] ++ Pa ++ Pz),
    +    Addresses = lists:append([Delivereds] ++ Pa ++ [Pi] ++ Pz),
         Group2 = Group#group{addresses = Addresses},
         add_addresses2(Delivereds, Groups, [Group2 | Res],
                       [Pi | Pa], Pz).
    @@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ route_packet_multicast(From, ToS, Packet, AAttrs, Dests,
     route_packet2(From, ToS, Dests, Packet, AAttrs,
                  Addresses) ->
         #xmlel{name = T, attrs = A, children = C} = Packet,
    -    C2 = case append_dests(Dests, Addresses) of
    +    C2 = case Addresses of
               [] -> C;
               ACs ->
                   [#xmlel{name = <<"addresses">>, attrs = AAttrs,