I am working with mod_zeropush and I was working fine with 15.07 until I switched to the ejabberd version 16.03.
I am using Ubuntu OS 14.04 Copied all beam files again to ebin directory
Here's the last error:
2016-05-12 15:40:08.706 [error] <0.499.0>@ejabberd_hooks:run1:332
<<"183872511984980">>},{<<"name">>,<<"Support Team">>}2016-05-12 15:40:08.706
[error] <0.499.0>@ejabberd_hooks:run1:332 {undef,[{xml,get_tag_attr_s,
<<"Support Team">>},{<<"to">>,<<"[email protected]">>}],[{xmlel,
<<"[email protected]">>}],[{xmlel,<<"body">>,[],[{xmlcdata,
Latest version of ejabberd use Fast XML module instead of p1_xml. The module need to be updated for new API. (fxml: and possibly a few other stuffs).