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Delete all users from ejabberd server using a script

I am trying to create a script to delete all users from an ejabberd server (for a given Virtual Host).

I have attempted to use e.g. ejabberdctl registered_users to extract the list of users, as per

When I run this command however, I get a lot of unwanted output before the users are listed, i.e.:

2023-01-01 18:08:08.865000
    args: ["c:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts",24]
    format: "inet_parse:~p:~p: erroneous line, SKIPPED~n"
    label: {error_logger,info_msg}
=INFO REPORT==== 1-Jan-2023::18:08:08.865000 ===
inet_parse:"c:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts":24: erroneous line, SKIPPED


Naturally if I try to use this to execute ejabberdctl unregister for each user, these lines affect the parser. Is there a way to suppress these lines? Alternatively, if there's another way to achieve the deletion of all users (except "admin") via a script or API calls to ejabberd_http that would be just as good.


  • This turned out to be due to the encoding of the hosts file being UTF-8 instead of ASCII as required by erlang parser. Issue was resolved as per solution provided at: