In Codeception 2.1 there is a new function current(), which helps to get current environment for tests: $scenario->current('env')
I'm using version 1.8 and there is no such function. So, I was trying to add method current() to Scenario class manually, but it doesn't help:
protected $env = array();
protected $currents = array();
public function __construct(\Codeception\TestCase $test, $currents = array())
$this->test = $test;
$this->currents = $currents;
public function env($env)
if (!is_array($env)) {
$this->env[] = $env;
foreach ($env as $e) {
public function current($key) {
if (!isset($this->currents[$key])) {
echo $this->currents[$key];
throw new TestRuntime("Current $key is not set in this scenario");
return $this->currents[$key];
I'm using 2.1, but maybe something like this:
pass \Codeception\Scenario $scenario as a second parameter
function testSometing(acceptanceTester $I, \Codeception\Scenario $scenario)
$env = $scenario->current();
I struggled with it for a while until I read this ticket: