I just implemented reflections in my ray tracer, here is the code that handles the reflections, however i have all my code uploaded to a github repository for better reading:
Color finalColor = closestObjectMaterial.GetColor() * AMBIENTLIGHT; // Add ambient light to the calculation
// Reflections
if(closestObjectMaterial.GetSpecular() > 0 && closestObjectMaterial.GetSpecular() <= 1)
Vector scalar = closestObjectNormal * (closestObjectNormal.Dot(intersectingRayDir.Negative()));
Vector resultantReflection = intersectingRayDir.Negative() + ((scalar + (intersectingRayDir)) * 2);
Vector reflectionDirection = resultantReflection.Normalize();
Ray reflectionRay(intersectionRayPos, resultantReflection);
// determine what the ray intersects with first
std::vector<FPType> reflectionIntersections;
for(auto sceneObject : sceneObjects)
int closestObjectWithReflection = ClosestObjectIndex(reflectionIntersections);
if(closestObjectWithReflection != -1)
// reflection ray missed everthing else
if(reflectionIntersections[closestObjectWithReflection] > TOLERANCE)
// determine the position and direction at the point of intersection with the reflection ray
// the ray only affects the color if it reflected off something
Vector reflectionIntersectionPosition = intersectionRayPos + (resultantReflection * (reflectionIntersections[closestObjectWithReflection]));
Vector reflectionIntersectionRayDirection = resultantReflection;
Color reflectionIntersectionColor = GetColorAt(reflectionIntersectionPosition, reflectionIntersectionRayDirection, sceneObjects, closestObjectWithReflection, lightSources);
finalColor += (reflectionIntersectionColor * closestObjectMaterial.GetReflection());
I'm getting these grainy artifacts on all reflections (this is a 16k resolution render zoomed in):
However it's even more obvious on lower resolutions like 1920x1080:
I think the problem is that the reflection Ray hits itself. I didn't recompile the code to confirm this. You might try adding some offset to the start position of reflection ray.
Vector offset = resultantReflection * 0.001;
Ray reflectionRay(intersectionRayPos + offset, resultantReflection);