I am finally jumping into the Azure development party, and I have a question in regards to the preferred practice in creating my development and deployed environments.
To start with, I am learning Azure Key Vault and it has presented the perfect example scenario of my core question.
In my development (and ALM) process, I usually have:
For each environment, I usually have an App.config or Web.config with XDT environment transforms that run for each environment and place in environment settings for each of the environments for the external resources that my application uses.
Now, I did see this question, but it is a few years old, so I wanted to revisit it as there seems to have been a lot of work done in particular with the new Azure Resource Manager and the Azure Management API that seems to have replaced Azure Service Management model.
In the case of Azure Key Vault, I am thinking of creating 4 Resource Groups (Development, Testing, Staging, Production) and create an Azure Key Vault instance within each of those groups.
My questions are:
Thank you in advance for any assistance and clarification!
IMHO (..and I can't pretend I'm an expert),