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Hot to export Multiple sheets in (.csv) format in Google Sheets

enter image description here

In above image you can see that I have alot of files created in one google sheet. Now what I want is to export all of these sheet files in seperated files in ".csv" format. If I click on exprt button so it will save file as main file but I want to make each spreeadsheet a seperated csv file.

Eg: California.csv Alaska.csv

Any help is appreciated.


I try the default export method but thsi is not what I wnat.

Expecting to get all of my spreeadsheet in seperate .csv Files


  • You can do that with Apps Script, like this:

    'use strict';
    function test() {
      const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
      const timezone = ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
      const prefix = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timezone, 'yyyy-MM-dd ');
      console.log(`Exporting files...`);
      const result = exportTabsAsCsvToDrive_(ss, /./i, prefix);
      console.log(`Wrote ${result.files.length} files in folder '${result.folder.getName()}' at ${result.folder.getUrl()}.`);
    * Exports sheets each into its own CSV file.
    * @param {SpreadsheetApp.Spreadsheet} ss Optional. A spreadsheet with sheets to export. Defaults to the active spreadsheet.
    * @param {RegExp} sheetNameRegex Optional. A regex to match to sheet names. Defaults to all sheets.
    * @param {String} prefix Optional. A text string to prepend to filenames. Defaults to ''.
    * @param {String} suffix Optional. A text string to append to filenames. Defaults to ''.
    * @param {DriveApp.Folder} folder Optional. The folder where to save the files in. Defaults to the spreadsheet's folder.
    * @return {Object} { folder, files[] }
    function exportTabsAsCsvToDrive_(ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(), sheetNameRegex = /./i, prefix = '', suffix = '', folder) {
      // version 1.1, written by --Hyde, 2 December 2022
      //  - see
      folder = folder || DriveApp.getFileById(ss.getId()).getParents().next();
      const files = [];
      ss.getSheets().forEach(sheet => {
        const sheetName = sheet.getName();
        if (!sheetName.match(sheetNameRegex)) return;
        const filename = prefix + sheetName + suffix + '.csv';
        const values = sheet.getDataRange().getDisplayValues();
        const csvData = textArrayToCsv_(values);
        files.push(DriveApp.createFile(filename, csvData, MimeType.CSV).moveTo(folder));
      return { folder: folder, files: files };
    * Converts text to a CSV format.
    * Usage: 
    *   const range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
    *   const csvData = textArrayToCsv_(range.getDisplayValues());
    * When the data looks like this:
    *   header A1       header B1                   header C1
    *   text A2         text with comma, in B2      text with "quotes" in C2
    * ...the function will return this:
    *   "header A1", "header B1", "header C1"
    *   "text A2", "text with comma, in B2", "text with ""quotes"" in C2"
    * Lines end in a newline character (ASCII 10).
    * @see
    * @param {String[][]} data The text to convert to CSV.
    * @param {String} escapeDoublequote Optional. Use '\\"' to prefix double quotes in data as in \" instead of the default "".
    * @return {String} The text converted to CSV.
    function textArrayToCsv_(data, escapeDoublequote = '""') {
      // version 1.1, written by --Hyde, 1 April 2024
      //  - see
      return ( => => `"${String(value).replace(/"/g, escapeDoublequote)}"`))
          .map(row => row.join(', '))