I am currently uploading a video to a S3 bucket and then using AWS Elastic Transcoder to create a webm file and to output a thumbnail. All of this is working except I am unable to set any metadata on the ET files.
I am attempting to add Cache-Control to both the webm and the thumbnail but I am unable to find anywhere in the PHP SDK that allows it.
I know I could do a S3 copyObject and add the metadata in that way but it seems very cumbersome.
Below is the code for my ET job Creation.
$result = $client->createJob(array(
'PipelineId' => 'my-pipeline-id',
'Input' => array(
'Key' => $mp4Name,
'FrameRate' => 'auto',
'Resolution' => 'auto',
'AspectRatio' => '16:9',
'Interlaced' => 'auto',
'Container' => 'mp4',
'Outputs' => array(
'Key' => $awsOutWebm,
'ThumbnailPattern' => $thumbOut,
'Rotate' => '0',
'PresetId' => 'my-preset-id',
'Watermarks' => array(
'PresetWatermarkId' => 'BottomRight',
'InputKey' => 'logo.png',
As far as I know, there isn't a way to tell Elastic Transcoder what headers you want to set to the output objects.
A simple way I can think of to achieve what you are looking for is using a Lambda function. You may configure it to run on every successful transcoding (using SNS notifications) and set the headers on the output objects.