I'm trying to copy my SQLite file that is used in my Air app to user's selected directory using
var fileSaveDest:FileReference = new FileReference();
dbWorkedFile is a File
dbWorkedFile = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("Inventory.db");
I tried this but the saved file isn't a valid SQLite file.
Also, I was wondering whether it's possible to embed SQLite to Air? If so how can I import and export the database?
Many thanks
In the end I couldn't get FileReference.save() to work so I go with the regular File's browseForSave()
dbWorkedFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, savingDatabase);
dbWorkedFile.browseForSave('Specify save location');
private function savingDatabase(event:Event):void
var selectedFile:File = File(event.target);
//To ensure the file is still loaded
dbWorkedFile = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("Inventory.db");
dbWorkedFile.copyTo(selectedFile, true);