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How to draw every characters with spritefont in monogame

I'm new to monogame, and I'm trying to make a .spritefont file in order to draw string with the font I choose.

Strings with English characters can show well on the screen, but I wish to draw strings in multiple languages, like Japanese and Chinese.

So, I tried to load all characters in a Multi Language Font "Microsoft JhengHei".

The font's first character is !(U+0021) and the last one is ○(U+FFEE).

But when I tried to compile the program, the compiler gave me an error:

.../Content/MyFont.spritefont : error : Importer 'FontDescriptionImporter' had unexpected failure!

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: CharacterRegion.End must be greater than CharacterRegion.Start

at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics.FontDescription.set_CharacterRegions(CharacterRegion[] value)

And when I changed the ○ to 忮, MSBuild stucks and takes forever to proceed the content.

Code in MyFont.spritefont below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XnaContent xmlns:Graphics="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics">
  <Asset Type="Graphics:FontDescription">
    <FontName>Microsoft JhengHei</FontName>

I searched for the solution for a few days but in vain, any help is appreciated.


  • Since processing all 65 thousand characters takes too much time. We should only process the characters we are using.

    So the easiest way is to make a MonoGame Custom Content Pipeline and load the characters we are using by some .resx files.

    It took me so much time searching for this solution. So I'll post how did I succeed, hope it can help someone who has the same question in the future.

    Step-by-step Tutorial

    1. Create a Class Library.

    2. Reference the MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Portable package using NuGet. (Make sure you checked the Include Prerelease checkbox )

    3. Download the LocalizationSample here and unzip the file.

    4. Under LocalizationPipeline\ copy LocalizedFontDescription.cs and LocalizedFontProcessor.cs into the class library

    5. Build the class library so it outputs a LocalizationPipeline.dll file.

    6. Open Myfont.spritefont and change its Asset Type to LocalizationPipeline.LocalizedFontDescription

    7. Then add the resources <ResourceFiles><Resx>..\strings.resx</Resx></ResourceFiles> (these files should contain the string we want to draw)

    8. Open Content.mgcb and reference to LocalizationPipeline.dll

    9. Set the MyFont.spritefont's processor to LocalizedFontProcessor

    10. ReBuild the project.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <XnaContent xmlns:Graphics="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics">
      <Asset Type="LocalizationPipeline.LocalizedFontDescription">
        <FontName>Microsoft JhengHei</FontName>


    #-------------------------------- References --------------------------------#
    #---------------------------------- Content ---------------------------------#
    #begin MyFont.spritefont


    1. Part 1 of Creating custom content importers for the MonoGame Pipeline

    2. How to: Create a Localized Game

    3. LocalizationSample (Thanks to @Groo for giving me this link.)