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A license catalog with RDF description, exist?

Popular public copyright licenses like GPL3, MIT, Apache2, CC-BY-SA3, etc. have official human-readable texts, and, I suppose, in nowadays, have also translations to "machine-readable texts", that are REL interpretations/translations of the official texts... Each license is a set of clauses that can be described by REL, and this set is my interest.

There are a "license database" (or catalog or content with semantic markup) with each license translated to REL or RDF?


Existing translations and samples. The only that I found was a CC licenses translated to CC-REL.

"REL is RDF". Any REL (Rights Expression Language), ex. CC-REL or RightsML, can be translated to RDF, so we can suppose that any popular license tranlated to REL, is a RDF descriptor of the license.

"RDF is JSON-LD, RDFa, Microdata", no problem for me, all can be translated to another.

"catalogues". They exist, as Wikipedia lists, OKFN lists, tldrlegal lists, and others... But no one have a REL or RDF translation/interpretation.


  • In Doncel et al ( the authors describe a catalog of licenses translated into RDF.

    You can find it here:, along with a link to download it. I have tried and each of the URIs are derreferenceable (although they might take a little to load), pointing you to the original page of the license. The catalog is described using standard models, such as dublin core or ODRL.