The .NET function string.Trim
trims a rather extensive set of whitespace characters. How would this exact behavior be emulated in the best way T-SQL?
only trim the space character which is not enough.
This would be easy with SQL CLR but that is not always possible and also has quite a high invocation cost. So I would like to avoid SQL CLR.
Also, scalar UDFs force serial plans and are slow to invoke. So it probably should not be a scalar UDF, either.
Given these constraints what's the best way to go about this?
This code provides a pattern that you can extend to handle the whitespace of your choice for a modified LTRIM
declare @Tab as NVarChar(1) = NChar( 9 );
declare @Space as NVarChar(1) = NChar( 32 );
declare @Samples as Table ( String NVarChar(16) );
insert into @Samples ( String ) values
( 'Foo' ),
( @Tab + 'Foo' ),
( @Space + 'Foo' ),
( @Space + @Tab + 'Foo' ),
( @Tab + @Space + 'Foo' );
select String, Len( String ) as [Length], PatIndex( '%[^' + @Tab + @Space + ']%', String ) - 1 as [WhitespaceCount]
from @Samples;
function can be used to implement a modified version of RTRIM
The following code uses the list of whitespace characters as used in .NET Framework 4. It also works around the feature of LEN
not counting trailing blanks.
declare @Tab as NVarChar(1) = NChar( 9 );
declare @Space as NVarChar(1) = NChar( 32 );
declare @Samples as Table ( String NVarChar(16) );
insert into @Samples ( String ) values
( 'Foo' ),
( @Tab + 'Foo' ),
( @Space + 'Foo' ),
( @Space + @Tab + 'Foo' ),
( @Tab + @Space + 'Foo' ),
( @Tab + 'Foo' + @Space ),
( @Space + 'Foo' + @Tab ),
( @Space + @Tab + 'Foo' + @Tab + @Space ),
( @Tab + @Space + 'Foo' + @Space + @Tab ),
( 'Foo' + @Tab ),
( NULL ),
( ' ' ),
( @Space + NULL + @Tab + @Tab ),
( '' ),
( 'Hello world!' );
declare @WhitespacePattern as NVarChar(100) = N'%[^' +
NChar( 0x0020 ) + NChar( 0x00A0 ) + NChar( 0x1680 ) + NChar( 0x2000 ) +
NChar( 0x2001 ) + NChar( 0x2002 ) + NChar( 0x2003 ) + NChar( 0x2004 ) +
NChar( 0x2005 ) + NChar( 0x2006 ) + NChar( 0x2007 ) + NChar( 0x2008 ) +
NChar( 0x2009 ) + NChar( 0x200A ) + NChar( 0x202F ) + NChar( 0x205F ) +
NChar( 0x3000 ) + NChar( 0x2028 ) + NChar( 0x2029 ) + NChar( 0x0009 ) +
NChar( 0x000A ) + NChar( 0x000B ) + NChar( 0x000C ) + NChar( 0x000D ) +
NChar( 0x0085 ) + N']%';
-- NB: The Len function does not count trailing spaces.
-- Use DataLength instead.
with AnalyzedSamples as (
select String, DataLength( String ) / DataLength( NChar( 42 ) ) as [StringLength],
PatIndex( @WhitespacePattern, String ) - 1 as [LeftWhitespace],
PatIndex( @WhitespacePattern, Reverse( String ) ) - 1 as [RightWhitespace]
from @Samples ),
TrimmedSamples as (
select String, StringLength, [LeftWhitespace], [RightWhitespace],
when String is NULL then NULL
when LeftWhitespace = -1 then N''
else Substring( String, LeftWhitespace + 1, StringLength - LeftWhitespace )
end as [LTrim],
when String is NULL then NULL
when RightWhitespace = -1 then N''
else Reverse( Substring( Reverse( String ), RightWhitespace + 1, StringLength - RightWhitespace ) )
end as [RTrim],
when String is NULL then NULL
when LeftWhitespace = -1 then N''
else Substring( String, LeftWhitespace + 1, StringLength - LeftWhitespace - RightWhitespace )
end as [Trim]
from AnalyzedSamples )
select N'"' + String + N'"' as [String], StringLength, [LeftWhitespace], [RightWhitespace],
N'"' + [LTrim] + N'"' as [LTrim], DataLength( [LTRIM] ) / DataLength( NChar( 42 ) ) as [LTrimLength],
N'"' + [RTrim] + N'"' as [RTrim], DataLength( [RTRIM] ) / DataLength( NChar( 42 ) ) as [RTrimLength],
N'"' + [Trim] + N'"' as [Trim], DataLength( [TRIM] ) / DataLength( NChar( 42 ) ) as [TrimLength]
from TrimmedSamples;