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Imagick - Can't read image files from URL.

I'm using this snippet for reading images on different websites:

$image = new Imagick('[source],value[/model/2012/P01 05156 06204 80 1175 4.jpg]&set=key[rotate],value[]&set=key[width],value[]&set=key[height],value[]&set=key[x],value[]&set=key[y],value[]&set=key[type],value[STILL_LIFE_FRONT]&call=url[file:/product/large]');

But sometimes, I get an error like this (about 20% of the time):


Unable to read the file:[source],value[/model/2012/P01 05156 06204 80 1175 4.jpg]&set=key[rotate],value[]&set=key[width],value[]&set=key[height],value[]&set=key[x],value[]&set=key[y],value[]&set=key[type],value[STILL_LIFE_FRONT]&call=url[file:/product/large]


The error seems to be consistent through this whole domain, but sometimes it's different from image to image on the same domain.


Why is this a problem?
How can we fix it?
Is there an alternative solution?


  • STEP 1 : GET URL

    $url = '';

    STEP 2 : Save blog content to a variable

    $image = file_get_contents($url);

    STEP 3 : Create Imagick object

    $img = new Imagick();

    STEP 4 : Instruct imagick object to read blob content of the image

    $img -> readImageBlob($image);

    STEP 5 : Save (or do operations) on image

    $img -> writeImage('/var/www/html/uploads/img.jpg');

    STEP 6 : Destroy imagick instance

    $img -> destroy();