Search code examples

how to exclude one instance from SPARQL query result

I have a query to get some similar instances for a specific instance, which is owbes:Dies_Irae instance. This is the query:

CONSTRUCT { ?recommendable0 ?predicate0 ?similarity0 } WHERE {
  ?recommendable0 ?predicate0 ?object0.
  owbes:Dies_Irae ?predicate0 ?object0.
  ?predicate0 owbes:hasSimilarityValue ?similarity0.
  ?recommendable0 rdf:type ?someType.
  ?someType rdfs:subClassOf owbes:Recommendable.

It works fine, I get in the results what I'm supposed to. However, I also get the same instance owbes:Dies_Irae. Is there a way to exclude it from the result?

Well, I'm sure there is. I tried to search, I found that there is a filter, I tried to use it, but no succeed. This is the filter that I apply FILTER (?recmmendable0 != owbes:Dies_Irae)

I also tried to check if both of them have the same rdf:about but it didn't work.

Here you go the result:

                "0.4"^^xsd:double .

                "0.4"^^xsd:double .

                "0.4"^^xsd:double .

as you see, the last instance is the one that I'd like to exclude


  • FILTER (?recmmendable0 != owbes:Dies_Irae)

    You didn't spell recommendable0 correctly in your filter. Since the variable isn't used anywhere else, it never has a value, so the filter doesn't have anything to compare.