I'm trying to make addition and subtraction of floating point. My guide is a book "Computer Arithmetic and Verilog HDL Fundamentals" by Cavanagh. Inside the module he use a code for aligning exponents as I show as follows.
always @ (oper_1 or oper_2)
exp_a = oper_1 [31:24];
exp_b = oper_2 [31:24];
fract_a = oper_1 [23:0];
fract_b = oper_2 [23:0];
// bias exponents
exp_a_bias = exp_a + 8'b0111_1111;
exp_b_bias = exp_b + 8'b0111_1111;
// align fractions
if (exp_a_bias < exp_b_bias)
ctrl_align = exp_b_bias - exp_a_bias;
while (ctrl_align)
fract_a = fract_a >> 1;
exp_a_bias = exp_a_bias + 1;
ctrl_align = ctrl_align - 1;
if (exp_b_bias < exp_a_bias)
ctrl_align = exp_a_bias - exp_b_bias;
while (ctrl_align) // heres comes the troubles
fract_b = fract_b >> 1;
exp_b_bias = exp_b_bias + 1;
ctrl_align = ctrl_align - 1;
Quartus II give me the following error:
Error (10119): Verilog HDL Loop Statement error at ADD_SUB_FLO.v(40): loop with non-constant loop condition must terminate within 250 iterations
I searched and it seems that since Quartus can't be sure what will be the size of "ctrl_align" resultant it won't synthesize. Quartus site says I can edit the .qsf file, But I couldn't find in my file any
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_NON_CONSTANT_LOOP_LIMIT 300
Moreover, I'm somehow impressed that the book teach that step with a wrong code, not syntesizable, I also wish to actually fix the problem not to workaround, what can I do?
Update: I tried changing to 'For' but it gives error: Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at ADD_SUB_FLO.v(44) near text ">"; expecting "=" I think for or while it wouldn't matter because it seems the problem is that system requires to pre+know the bound, but that's for being calculated.
for ( i=ctrl_align,i>0,i=i-1)
fract_a = fract_a >> 1;
exp_a_bias = exp_a_bias + 1;
As a previous comment stated, this isn't synthesizable Verilog. You're getting caught up in thinking sequentially. You don't need a for loop or a while loop, basically, you want fract_*
to shift, exp_*_bias
to increment, and ctrl_align
to decrement after an initial loading.
There are three states:
ctrl_align = exp_b_bias - exp_a_bias
is decremented and the correct fract_
is shiftedctr_align
== 0 and the output is validUse a simple state machine to keep track of this and then use a case statement to select the correct assignments for each net.
For example:
always @(posedge clk) begin
// Should include a reset
ctr_align <= (exp_a_bias < exp_b_bias)? exp_b_bias - exp_a_bias : exp_a_bias - exp_b_bias;
ctrl_align <= ctrl_align - 8'd1;
fract_a <= (exp_a_bias < exp_b_bias)? fract_a >> 1 : fract_a;
fract_b <= (exp_b_bias < exp_a_bias)? fract_b >> 1 : fract_b;
DONE: ctrl_align <= ctrl_align
default: ctrl_align <= 0; // latches inferred for fract_*
Haven't checked for syntax, and there's some inferred latches, but this should give you the gist of it. The state machine should be trivial to implement, just a few if statements.
Hope that helps!