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AlaSQL: Getting where opperands

I have a specific request that I'm rather sure it's not trivial, but thought of asking just in case. If I have any query with WHERE condition:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE a = b AND a->fn(b->c) > 0

I would like to know all the operands that take part in WHERE, in this case ['a', 'b', 'a->fn(b->c)', 0].

The reason is that I would want to keep track of those values and if any changes then I would just re-evaluate the query.


  • You can use alasql.parse() function to produce Abstract Syntax Tree from SQL statement. To print part of the tree from WHERE clause of SELECT statement please use:

    var ast = alasql.parse('SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE a = b AND a->fn(b->c) > 0');

    Then you will see the tree structure.

           {"left": {"columnid":"a"},"op":"=", "right":{"columnid":"b"}},

    You can walk along this tree to collect all arguments. Each node is an object of types, so you can test it:

    if(node instanceof yy.Column) // then process as the column

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