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map key value pairs while export excel sheet using alasql

I am working on export into excel sheet requirement using 'alasql'.

My Javasript object to be given as input to alasql is

  ContactEmail: "[email protected]"
  ContactName: "abcd"
  CustomerName: "defg"
  SubdomainName: "adasdasd"
  ContactEmail: "[email protected]"
  ContactName: "abcd"
  CustomerName: "defg"
  SubdomainName: "adasdasd"
  ContactEmail: "[email protected]"
  ContactName: "abcd"
  CustomerName: "defg"
  SubdomainName: "adasdasd"

below is my alasql script to export into excel sheet

var sheet_name = 'clients.xlsx'
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("'+sheet_name+'",{headers:true}) FROM ?', arrayToExport);

My probem here is, it is exporting only the first key that is '0' & '1' key values and headers like below:

      0          1
CustomerName    name1
ContactName     contact1
ContactEmail    [email protected]
SubdomainName   adasdasd

JS Includes:

<script src="{{ asset(auto_version('public/js/alasql.min.js')) }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset(auto_version('public/js/alasql_xlsx.js')) }}"></script>

Can anyone please assist me in this. Thanks.


  • I have fixed this issue. I hope this may be helpful for others. I have fixed it as first I have tried by giving directly a javascript object which is not the right way so, I have converted the javascript object to array and then object, also the array should be in a key:value pair for each array-object iteration. I think you may be confused little bit but after watching it you will get clarity. My array-object is like below:


    0: Array(11)
       0: {CustomerName: "CName1", ContactName: "contact1", ContactEmail: "[email protected]", SubdomainName: "domain1", Region: "USA", …}
       1: {CustomerName: "CName2", ContactName: "contact2", ContactEmail: "[email protected]", SubdomainName: "domain2", Region: "USA", …}
       2: {CustomerName: "CName3", ContactName: "contact3", ContactEmail: "[email protected]", SubdomainName: "domain3", Region: "USA", …}
       3: {CustomerName: "CName4", ContactName: "contact4", ContactEmail: "[email protected]", SubdomainName: "domain4", Region: "USA", …}
       4: {CustomerName: "Sudhakar", ContactName: "contact5", ContactEmail: "[email protected]", SubdomainName: "domain5", Region: "USA", …}
       5: { …}

    My Javascript:

    $scope.doExport = function(list){
      var sheet_name = 'clients.xlsx'
      var arrayToExport = {};
      var arrData = [];
      $scope.list = list;
      var i = 0;
      angular.forEach($scope.list, function(value, key){
          var status = (value.status == 0) ? 'Pending' : 'Active';
          var region = value.region;
          region = region.toUpperCase();
          var initial = value.subscr_end_date.split(/\-/);
          var finalDate = [ initial[1], initial[2], initial[0] ].join('/'); 
          //console.log( finalDate ); 
          arrData[i] = {CustomerName:value.client_info.first_name,ContactName:value.client_info.last_name,,SubdomainName:value.sub_domain_name,Region:region,Status:status,SubscriptionEndDate:finalDate
      arrayToExport = [arrData];
      alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("'+sheet_name+'",{headers:true}) FROM ?', arrayToExport);