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Google Apps Script: Array Reference in SQL Query (Javascript/AlaSQLGS)

I cannot get my query to accept my WHERE entry:

const query = "SELECT MATRIX Col1 FROM ? WHERE Col1 IN (name) ";
var res = alasql(AlaSQLGS.transformQueryColsNotation(query), [values]);

res.length returns 0 and I get the following error for res[0][0][0]: "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined"

Entry for name is coming from an array but after trying everything I could possibly think of, I created a simple var name = "Tribiani, Joe". Didn't work. I can't even get this to work typing in the name:

const query = "SELECT MATRIX Col1 FROM ? WHERE Col1 IN ('Tribiani, Joe') ";

The only way I get this to work is: const query = "SELECT MATRIX Col1 FROM ? WHERE Col1 LIKE ('Tribiani, Joe%') "; but I can't use the variable 'name' in this case either, has to be written in.

Anybody has any ideas what I am doing wrong? And how do I correctly point to an array element in a AlaSQL query?


  • const query = "SELECT MATRIX [0] FROM ? WHERE [0] IN @(?) ",
      name = ['Tribiani', 'Joe'],
      res = alasql(query, [values, name]);

    Live demo:

    const data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[1,4,8]];
    const name = [1,2];
    const res = alasql('SELECT MATRIX [0] FROM ? WHERE [0] IN @(?)',[data, name]);
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="[email protected]"></script>