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Powershell setfocus when textbox is full

Been doing a little bit of research on this and cant find a powershell answer, I need to change focus of one textbox to another when it is full. Example when inputting a phone number instead of having to press Tab after the area code it would shift focus to the next set. Below is what I have so far

`$Textbox9 = New-Object Systems.Windows.Forms.Textbox
 $Textbox9.MaxLength = 3
 $Textbox9.Location = '635,220'
 $Textbox9.Size = '40,20'
 $Textbox9.Name =
 $Textbox9.Text =
 If ($Textbox9.Text.Length = 3){
     $Textbox10.SetFocus} `


  • You can register to the TextChanged event. Once TextBox9 reached the max size it switches to Textbox10.

    This should work:

    $action = { if ($Textbox9.Text.Length -eq 3){
         $Textbox10.focus()} }