I'm new to scheme/guile. I'd like to filter an array of C struct inside a C program using a user's scm script. Something like:
struct Date {
int year;
int month;
int day;
struct Person {
char name[20];
Date birth;
Date death;
void printPersons(Person* persons, size_t n_persons, const char* scm_file) {
size_t i;
/* (...) compile script */
for(i=0; i< n_persons;++i)
int accept = /** call guile script with &persons[i] */
if( accept) printf("%s\n",persons[i].name);
/* dispose script */
For now I'm lost in the manual. Where should I start ? Thanks.
To call a scheme script in a C program for evaluation with guile, you need to use scm_with_guile(). The function executed by scm_with_guile() then need then needs to call something like scm_c_eval_string() (to evaluate a string in scheme syntax) or scm_c_primitive_load() (to evaluate a file in scheme syntax). Such strings and files can themselves call the guile load and use-modules procedures using normal scheme syntax.
If you happen to be using C++, this may give you some ideas: c++-gtk-utils/extension and extension source code. With regard to your particular code, you could initialize your 'accept' variable with the return value of Cgu::Extension::exec_shared() called with a Cgu::Extension::integer_to_long() translator, but since 'accept' is of int type, on a 64-bit system you would need to allow for long to int overflow. You would also need to destructure your person struct into individual values for the script.