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X86 assembly mul error masm

A simple question , why doesn't this work:

    mov ebx,m[edx*4]
    mov eax,conv[edx*4]
    mul ebx

I checked m[edx*4] it has 2 (what should be there) same for conv[edx*4].

It's basically just a 2*3.

m and conv are dd 2500 dup(?) <---- Thats why It doesn't work ?


  • I try to follow: Check what the 32 bit value is at memory location m and conv What is the value of edx when you start mov ebx,m[edx*4] Check if the expected values in ebx and eax are correct Edx will be overridden because MUL and IMUL instructions stores the result in EDX and EAX

    MUL is used for unsigned multiplications, IMUL for signed multiplications. This means that, in contrary what Jester says: for 32 bits operands you use MUL (unsigned), for 31 bits with sign in 32th bit you use IMUL.

    If this all is ok, you should have in edx = 0 and eax = 6 if m[edx*4] = 2 and conv[edx*4] = 3 (or vice versa) mind that conv and m are 32 bits, with the least significant byte in the lowest memory location.

    correct me if I'm wrong.