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Get full current url thymeleaf with all parameters

Im using thymeleaf with spring mvc. I want add a language param to change locale. I did it this way:

<a th:href="@{${currentUrl}(lang='es_ES')}" th:if="__${#locale}__ != 'es_ES'" >Sp</a>
<a th:href="@{${currentUrl}(lang='en_US')}" th:if="__${#locale}__ != 'en_US'" >Eng</a>

But in some views I have params in the URL. How I can add the parameters? I know how to add when I meet the specific parameter:

<a th:href="@{${currentUrl}(fooParam = ${fooValue}, lang='es_ES')}" th:if="__${#locale}__ != 'es_ES'" >Sp</a>

But I know neither the number and name of all parameters in all views. How I can get all the parameters of the current url?


  • You can try to create an utility service for building the params part of your URL. The utility method will get input from a List and build a String through StringBuffer. The result will be a String written as when you write param manually. Now you can use the Pre-Parser syntax built in thymeleaf to call the utility and build your final url. Here the example:

    Utility Service

    public class ThymeleafUtilsService
        public String buildMultiParamPartUrl(List<String> paramNames)
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(0);
            for ( String paramName : paramNames )
                if ( sb.length() >= 0 )
            return sb.toString();

    Controller for testing it

    @RequestMapping(value = "/multiParamLink")
    public class MultiParamLinkController
        @RequestMapping(value =
        { "/",
          "" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String testMultiParamsGenerator(Model model)
            List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<>();
            model.addAttribute("fooValue", "foo");
            model.addAttribute("barValue", "bar");
            model.addAttribute("lang", "US_us");
            model.addAttribute("paramNames", paramNames);
            return "multiParamLink/multiParamLink.html";

    HtmlTemplate for Test:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:th="">
      <a th:href="@{${currentUrl}(__${@thymeleafUtilsService.buildMultiParamPartUrl(paramNames)}__)}">myLink</a>
      <pre th:inline="text">[[@{${currentUrl}(__${@thymeleafUtilsService.buildMultiParamPartUrl(paramNames)}__)}]]</pre>

    this is what you get with the example:

    enter image description here

    You can now customize this example to suit your code, like parsing a Map instead of List or String...