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Delphi TPath.GetTempPath result is cropped

I am using Delphi 2010 and my program wants to get the system's temp path. I am using TPath.GetTempPath and everything is working fine... at least for me and my coworkers. But on some customer machines this method returns a cropped path which is (of course) not existing. I found out that the problem seems to be the result from underlying call to GetLongPathName().

The complete code looks like this:

 TmpDir : String;
 Len : Integer;

 [... Call to GetTempPath succeeds and we have a valid temp directory in short "~" notation in var TmpDir ...]

 Len := GetLongPathName(PChar(TmpDir), nil, 0);      // Len = 37
    SetLength(TmpDir, Len - 1);                         // We want to set the len of TmpDir to 37 - 1.
    GetLongPathName(PChar(TmpDir), PChar(TmpDir), Len); // Only 32 (instead of 36) characters are copied - so we have a cropped path - But why?!


This only happens on some systems and I don't know why. I found a nasty workaround for this, but I would like to know what's going on here.

Can somebody put some light on this?


  • There is a note about this Windows API function on the Homeland Security pages:

    "The return buffer for GetLongPathName() and similar functions might return a truncated path and lead to hard-to-find errors."

    If you have the source code, you could check if the problem described in this article exists in the Delphi 2010 implementation.