Im currently working on a settings tab for my game and I was wondering How Do You Effect Volume With A Slider?. Now I know this is kind of a vague question, but I couldn't figure out how to break this question into a simpler part
Feedback is always appreciated ;)
Create slider programmatically and give volume control to the slider.
public float slidervalue=0.0f;
public AudioSource audiocccenter;
public AudioClip myaudiocc;
slidervalue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (new Rect (padding +370 * wdpi, 440* hdpi, 90 * wdpi, 44* hdpi), slidervalue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
audiocccenter = (AudioSource)gameObject.AddComponent ("AudioSource");
myaudiocc = (AudioClip)Resources.Load ("Clip name");
audiocccenter.clip = myaudiocc;
AudioListener.volume = slidervalue;
May be it will help you.