I have two tab separated values file, say
chr1 894573 rs13303010 GG
chr2 18674 rs10195681 **CC**
chr3 104972 rs990284 AA <--- Unique Line
chr4 111487 rs17802159 AA
chr5 200868 rs4956994 **GG**
chr5 303686 rs6896163 AA <--- Unique Line
chrX 331033 rs4606239 TT
chrY 2893277 i4000106 **GG**
chrY 2897433 rs9786543 GG
chrM 57 i3002191 **TT**
chr1 894573 rs13303010 GG
chr2 18674 rs10195681 AT
chr4 111487 rs17802159 AA
chr5 200868 rs4956994 CC
chrX 331033 rs4606239 TT
chrY 2893277 i4000106 GA
chrY 2897433 rs9786543 GG
chrM 57 i3002191 TA
Desired Output:
chr1 894573 rs13303010 GG
chr2 18674 rs10195681 AT
chr3 104972 rs990284 AA <--Unique Line from File1.txt
chr4 111487 rs17802159 AA
chr5 200868 rs4956994 CC
chr5 303686 rs6896163 AA <--Unique Line from File1.txt
chrX 331033 rs4606239 TT
chrY 2893277 i4000106 GA
chrY 2897433 rs9786543 GG
chrM 57 i3002191 TA
File1.txt has total 10 entries while File2.txt has 8 entries. I want to compare the both the file using Column 1 and Column 2.
If both the file's first two column values are same, it should print the corresponding line to Output.txt from File2.txt.
When File1.txt has unique combination (Column1:column2, which is not present in File2.txt) it should print the corresponding line from File1.txt to the Output.txt.
I tried various awk and perl combination available at website, but couldn't get correct answer. Any suggestion will be helpful.
Thanks, Amit
next time, show your awk code tryso we can help on error or missing object
awk 'NR==FNR || (NR>=FNR&&($1","$2 in k)){k[$1,$2]=$0}END{for(K in k)print k[K]}' file1 file2