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Drupal 7 Services JSON shows fields names with spaces

I have drupal 7 deployment with services 3 module. I have Services with JSON output configured. When I get my results, the custom fields return labels instead of the actual field names. For example, Node Title which is built in shows node_title. However, 1 Year a custom field that was stored as field_1_year shows up as 1 Year. This makes it difficult to parse JSON. Any suggestions?


  • You can make your custom json feed i.e.:

    • Make you php script and at top add standard D7 bootstrap:

      define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());

      require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/'; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL);

    After this code you'll have all Drupal's functionalities available in your script.

    • Add your code to get values you want. You can use Drupal's database api, or even easier, create some view and use views_get_view_result() function to get values view returns:

    • Then iterate trough your results and create another php array containing values you want in the way you want.

    • Use json_encode to convert your array to json string:

    • Print out your json string. You can even print out json header before it, so apps that are getting feed will know it's json (sometime may be needed)

      header('Content-Type: application/json');

    Something like that...