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how to debug maven enunciate plugin tomcat web service

I've inherited a project that contains many java web services. I want to add another one so I've been using one that works as a template. I've added

<namespace id="bsghandle"
    uri="" />

into the <namespaces> section of enunciate.xml and

                file="bsghandle.wsdl" />

into the <xml> section.

Here is the pom.xml snippet





Maven generates the web.xml entries, including this one:


I created three classes to handle the request, similar to the template. I send a request to the working service like this

 ./ soap_serial.xml r.xml

where is


wget "http://localhost:5032/VCWH_QueryService/soap/SettopChannelMapResourceService" --post-file=$1 --header="Content-Type: text/xml" -O $2 

This produces a good response, captured in r.xml.

Now when I try the same thing for the new service I wrote

./ soap_rate.xml r2.xml

where is


wget "http://localhost:5032/VCWH_QueryService/soap/BsgHandleResourceService" --post-file=$1 --header="Content-Type: text/xml" -O $2 

I get the useless error

2015-11-23 20:26:52 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error

The log files for the project do not contain any more info either.

When I watch the log file for the working service (in, I can see this debugging statement getting hit as the first thing being output to the log

logger.debug("getChannelMapBySerialNumber() called for sn=" + serialNumber
                + " from ip" + request.getRemoteAddr());

But in my similar service the same logger output does not get hit. How do I debug this?


  • I used a request in SoapUI. For some reason, that returned a useful error message and I was able to find and fix the problem. Even after fixed, the other method still returned the same useless ERROR 500: Internal Server Error