When i studied about Linux interprocess Communications, i have known there were some method as: pipe, message queue, socket, signal, shared memory, semaphore and there is no method named Dbus.
But today, when i research about Dbus, i read that: "D-Bus is a system for interprocess communication (IPC)" (See that link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-Bus)
So my question is: What is the different between DBus and other IPC methods?
A one to one ipc method has a large group of cooperating process can cause a dense mesh. But in case of a Dbus each process can connect to any number of process provided with a grant access. On a common single shared channel a user can connect with his own session or a new session without interfering the session of other user. This greatly increase the performance
Refer the link
This shows the comparison of the DBus performance against a custom IPC system. You get a better understanding of the performance of the Dbus