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how would you colorize specific jqgrid cell text

I have a stored procedure (sql server 2008) that returns the status of (4) different fields into a single column of a jqgrid, like Good/Bad/Good/Bad. What I would like to do is have the Good text display in Green and the Bad text display in Red. I could separate them into different columns and then set the color of each, but I prefer to have a single column. Can I set this value in the stored procedure, or wrap this in the class with html to do this?

Is this possible?

Thank you.


  • You can use custom formatter for doing this like follwing.

    { name: 'status', index: 'status', formatter:colorFormatter}

    colorFormatter function looks like following.

    function colorFormatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject)
       var data = cellvalue.split('/');
       var length = data.length; 
       var new_format_value='', text, color, separator='/'; 
       for(var i=0; i<length; i++) {
           var text=data[i]; 
           if(i==length-1) separator='';    
           new_format_value+='<span '+color+'>'+text+'</span>'+separator;
       return new_format_value

    JS Fiddle link: