I've a sitecore solution where all menu navigation items are managed via sitecore. All good if we use png, jpg etc.
Now the FE guys wants to use the Fonts icons so that it's responsive and works on any browser devices.
One way to overcome this is by creating a class field in menu item where authors will specify the icon-class.
Problem with this is that authors will need to understand css classes and everytime new items needs to be created, they need to involve developers.
Is there a better way to overcome this? Or using png/svg images are best option.
I recently created a font icon picker field for Sitecore that sounds like it would meet your requirements. Authors can choose from one or more "collections", such as FontAwesome, IcoMoon, Foundation, etc., so they don't need to have knowledge of the CSS class names.
The field accepts configuration via JSON in the field's 'source'. Within the configuration, you can point to one or more CSS files that contain the icon classes, as well as control which ones are displayed (via regex). In other words, you do not need to define each and every CSS class, it will parse your CSS file(s) and display them automatically.