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Magento2 - Setup Compile Error - Class Not_Existing_Class does not exist

I installed magento 2 Community version successfully. Now when i try to upgrade the setup i get the error Please re-run Magento compile command.

So i ran the compile command

magento setup:di:compile

but i am getting this error

Area configuration aggregation... 5/7 [====================>-------]  71% 35 min
s 736.2 MiB

  Class Not_Existing_Class does not exist

  Class Not_Existing_Class does not exist

Any ideas as to how this can be resolved ?!

Thanks in advance.


  • As a temporary fix, i was able to resolve this problem by commenting following line:

     \Not_Existing_Class $notExistingClass

    in << Magento2 Root Folder >>\vendor\magento\framework\Code\Test\Unit\Generator\TestAsset\TestGenerationClass.php

    I have also reported the issue on GitHub here and awaiting the community's response: