I'm trying to to switch the price for a 'Sold' label on the product page of products that are out of stock. If a product is sold out, the price should be hidden and in its stead should be a 'Sold' label.
I figured out that the price is placed in catalog_product_view.xml and it calls upon the vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/base/templates/product/price/final_price.phtml
file, but I could not figure out where and how to bring in a condition to check whether product is sold out or not.
As I understand you have two parts to this issue
1) Hide price on Product-detail page if product is Out-of-stock
You can override the method using DI to below
protected function _toHtml()
/** @var PricingRender $priceRender */
$priceRender = $this->getLayout()->getBlock($this->getPriceRender());
if ($priceRender instanceof PricingRender) {
$product = $this->getProduct();
if ($product instanceof SaleableInterface && $product->isAvailable()) {
$arguments = $this->getData();
$arguments['render_block'] = $this;
return $priceRender->render($this->getPriceTypeCode(), $product, $arguments);
return parent::_toHtml();
$product->isAvailable() is the new condition that we have added
2) Show Sold label
outofstock label is shown by default, but if you still want to show create your block & template in vendor/magento/modul-catalog/view/frontend/layout/catalog_product_view.xml
Hope this helps