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Magento SOAP V2 error (catalogInventoryStockItemList)

I have an array with some products SKU called "items_estoque", which I fill in a loop from a specific DataTable called dt:

Dim items_estoque(0) As String
For Each linha As DataRow In dt.Rows
   If Not IsDBNull(linha("codigo_magento")) Then
       i += 1
       ReDim Preserve items_estoque(i)
       items_estoque(i) = linha("codigo_magento")
   End If

I then call the Magento API using the catalogInventoryStockItemList function:

Dim estoque = magentoV2_servico.catalogInventoryStockItemList(magentoV2_sessao, items_estoque)
For Each item As MagentoV2_Temp.catalogInventoryStockItemEntity In estoque
    'Do stuff

And almost every time I do this, I get an undefined error, independent of the SKU or array length.

This is an example of the array content.

The weird thing is that, if I before trying to get those two specific products from the example, make a random call using catalogProductList, like (Dim produtos = magentoV2_servico.catalogProductList(magentoV2_sessao, filters, "")), I can then normally go back to that same "catalogInventoryStockItemList" function and it will work:

Why does that happen and, please, how can I solve it?


  • Okay, forget about it, it turns out it was just a wrong variable in my login parameters (that took me one and a half days to find). I'll leave the question here anyway because it's a little hard to find material about this API around