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Haskell asymptotic difference between algorithms

Here we need to get all subsequences of the given length. How to calculate the asymptotic complexity of the given function?

import Data.List

subsequencesOfSize l n = [x | x <- subsequences l, length x == n]

How many "iterations" will it be? Can we speak about "iterations". Any optimizations? GHC 7.10.2. How compiler or programmer can improve this?


  • Here is a related SO question which discusses various implementations of subsequencesOfSize:

    Haskell: comparison of techniques for generating combinations

    and the best performing one which uses memoization:

    Haskell: comparison of techniques for generating combinations


    Also consider this version that @user3237465 mentions in the comments:

    subsequencesOfSize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
    subsequencesOfSize n xs | n > length xs = []
    subsequencesOfSize n xs = subsequencesBySize xs !! n where
        subsequencesBySize    []  = [[[]]]
        subsequencesBySize (x:xs) = zipWith (++) ([] : map (map (x:)) next) (next ++ [[]])
            where next = subsequencesBySize xs