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SUPEE 6788 and Password Reset (blank page)

I've installed SUPEE 6788. Then noticed that password reset page is blank when you click on the reset link in the email. Any ideas how to make the reset page to show up ? Previously reset page use to be this /customer/account/resetpassword/ After patch update it's /customer/account/changeforgotten/ and it's blank

Tech description from the Patch

APPSEC-1027, Insufficient Protection of Password Reset Process

This change affects templates by adding form_key to customer registration page template/customer/form/register.phtml and similar changes to password forgotten page layout/customer.xml and template/customer/form/resetforgottenpassword.phtml. If your store includes customized registration or password forgotten template, make sure to add this key there as well..


  • In case after the SUPEE-6788 patch you experience «Forgot password issue», in other words the page is blank.

    You have to edit customer.xml file and replace customer layout customer_account_resetpassword with customer_account_changeforgotten.

    File location: app/design/frontend/theme/default/layout/customer.xml the theme name might be different for you.

    Refresh your cache, and all good!