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wordpress how to add wp_editor in an array

I had a small problem in my wordpress code I need to show a wordpress wp_editor in my page where it has array of values.the values are defined like the following

    $fields[] = array(
        'name' => __('Class', 'my-theme'),
        'desc' => __('', 'my-theme'),
        'id' => 'class'.$n,
        'std' => ( ( isset($class_text[$n]['class']) ) ? $class_text[$n]['class'] : '' ),
        'type' => 'text');

When I define my wp_editor like the above array it doesn't display where I want. Instead all the editors displayed at the top before any content in all pages.

I tried like the following set of array for the editor:

    $fields[] = array(
        'name' => __('My Content', 'my-theme'),
        'id' => 'sectioncontent'.$n,
        'std' => ( ( isset($class_text[$n]['content']) ) ? $class_text[$n]['content'] : '' ),
        'type' => wp_editor( '', 'sectioncontent'.$n ));

Attached the image of my problem:

enter image description here


  • Cause

    By default wp_editor prints the textarea that's why you cannot assign it to any variable or array.


    you can use output buffering of php to get printed data in variable like this:

    ob_start(); // Start output buffer
    // Print the editor
    wp_editor( '', 'sectioncontent'.$n );
    // Store the printed data in $editor variable
    $editor = ob_get_clean();
    // And then you can assign that wp_editor to your array.
    $fields[] = array(
            'name' => __('My Content', 'my-theme'),
            'id' => 'sectioncontent'.$n,
            'std' => ( ( isset($class_text[$n]['content']) ) ? $class_text[$n]['content'] : '' ),
            'type' => $editor); // <-- HERE