I'm using the swift lib "Sync" from Hyperoslo to convert a JSON user to a Core Data object.
let user = JSON.valueForKey("user")
Sync.changes(user , inEntityNamed: "User", dataStack: DataManager.manager, completion: { (response ) -> Void in
print("USER \(response)")
but when a set the first parameter of this method with my JSON object, I have the pre-compiler error:
Cannot convert value of type 'AnyObject?' to expected argument type '[AnyObject]!'
If a replace my first line by...
let user = JSON.valueForKey("user") as! [AnyObject]
...the app crash with this error:
Could not cast value of type '__NSCFDictionary' (0x3884d7c8) to 'NSArray' (0x3884d548).
How to deal with this?
SOLVED thanks to the explanations from @Eric.D
let user = [JSON.valueForKey("user")!]
The first parameter for changes()
should be an implicitly unwrapped array of AnyObject as specified here:
but your object user
is an optional AnyObject.
Solution: safely unwrap user
then put it inside a [AnyObject]
array before using it in changes()