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Linq vs MS Enterprise Library DAAB

At work, we just upgraded from VS2005 to 2010. To this point, we've only used sprocs (I guess out of habit more than anything). I've been playing around with Linq (very simple tutorials - nothing major). As my first actual experience with an ORM, I like it.

In addition, I've only recently become familiar with the Enterprise Library blocks. Generally speaking, would a project use either an ORM or the DAAB, or could/would a project potentially use both? Does it depend on the situation, or just preference? Are there cases when one option is better than the other?



  • One or the other... I haven't used the DAAB in a while, but LINQ to SQL or ADO.NET EF uses a designer to generate code classes that represent the database, where the DAAB is built upon ADO.NET (DataSet's and such).

    I love LINQ, easy to use, you can use stored procedures just fine to get your data, or construct a LINQ query to pull the data (the code LINQ query gets converted into a database query).

    So I prefer LINQ; If you use the DAAB, I'd recommend using a code-gen tool.
